How we are staying safe
We know that during these uncertain times, the health and safety of our families must always come first. Here at Elevate Learning Project we strive to create a safe space for everyone in our community. Through research, discussions with the Department of Health, and q&a sessions with concerned families, we have developed a plan which includes taking precautions as necessary.
We are taking the situation seriously and will act responsibly inside and outside of school. We will constantly be monitoring the progression of the situation in our area in order to make the best and safest choices possible for our families and the families of Elevate. We will be staying up to date with new technologies developed to enhance the safety of all programs.
We are taking a proactive approach including but not limited to:
Families sign/agreed to a "social contract" pledging their desire to be safe both inside and outside of school
Daily screening (answering a few questions) each day at the door prior to entering the classroom
Increased daily sanitation and UV sterilization
Sanitation of shared resources between uses
Sanitation will be done without the use of harsh chemicals
Small class size
Over 70 sq. ft. of school space per student
Over an hour of outdoor time for our elementary program students per day on average
Frequent hand washing
Diffusing thieves essential oil throughout the school to aid in inhibiting airborne bacterial growth
Restricted access to visitors
Strictly enforcing that no sick adults or children are allowed in the building
Indoor shoes: Montessori utilizes indoor shoes in which students change into their indoor shoes to help with the transition from outdoors to indoors. It also helps to mitigate the spread of germs within a space. Anyone that comes into the classroom will have to wear indoor shoes or socks. *Summer campers are not required to purchase indoor shoes but will wear socks in the classroom.
We have a brand new HVAC unit that will be regularly serviced. We are using HEPA filters.
Ability to go virtual (whole class or individual students) if mandated by the state or preferred by a caretaker.
If a student or teacher tests positive for COVID-19 we will immediately notify all families while keeping the identifying information confidential. We will work closely with the local health department to ensure we are making the best decisions for our families. Depending on the situation of those affected, our response will range from additional cleaning to closing down for a short period of time.
We will be continuing to build upon and refine our plan to ensure the best possible environment for our students as this unpredictable situation continues to evolve. We sincerely thank everyone for their patience and understanding.